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Ultra high performance concrete

Explore the potentials in UHPC

Potential areas

New applications with UHPC

Outdoor life is highly appreciated now and in the future. The use of outdoor spaces around our homes as well as city spaces is getting more important. Ultra high performance concrete can be used for products that support outdoor leisure in and around our homes, in the open landscape, or in city squares and plazas: Benches, tables, bollards, bike shelds, sculptures or something else. It is only your imagination that sets the limits on how you can apply UHPC in your next building project. 

From housing and infrastructure to windmill constructions and coastal protection, we are ready to take part in the process with our specialized knowlegde within the field of UHPC. Together we can challenge the conventional applications and achieve new goals and visions. 

Other solutions in UHPC

Explore our other solutions in UHPC

Potential areas

Our potential areas with UHPC

The world is constantly changing which creates a need for innovative and modern solutions to the building industry, new ways of living and new city structures.  

CRC i2® has a great unused potential to bring the population of the world into the next century with safe, aesthetic and functional homes. This could be with slender balconies, beautiful staircases, light mobile homes, low-energy houses, new building systems or concepts for renovation of older houses. 

Hi-Con has several years of experience in producing bespoke solutions for the building industry. We have great expertise in creating solutions within balconies, staircases and facade elements, but we always seek to develop new applications within this field.  

The infrastructure is constantly developing and adapting to new traffic patterns and loads. The unique properties of CRC i2® are ideal for creating solutions for intrastructure. Hi-Con produces bespoke bridges for light traffic as pedestrians and bicycles. The material is also suited for coating of metro systems, crash barriers, sound barriers, sewage systems and wharf- and harbour systems.

Outdoor leisure is highly appreciated now and in the future. The use of outdoor spaces around our homes as well as city spaces are getting more important. 

CRC i2® can be used for products that support outdoor leisure in and around our homes, in the open landscape or in city squares and plazas:

  • Tables
  • Benches
  • Bollards
  • Bike sheds

CRC i2® has a great potential within SAFE. Political and culturel instability and changing weather conditions are unfortunately a part of the future society. Our bespoke solutions can be part of the solution for reducing the consequences of these matters. CRC i2® can be used for terror- and bullet protection, coastal protection, and protection of safety boxes and ATM's.

We would like to contribute to solve the global challenges of rethinking energy from the sun, waves, biogas, sewage plants and other energy sources. 

Hi-Con has participated in development projects regarding wave- and wind energy.


Material properties

Our material possesses many great properies. We have listed the most important properties below: 


  • Fredom in shape and expression           
  • Slender and minimalistic design
  • Maintenance-free elements
  • +100 years durability 
  • Large formats
  • fire resistant material
  • A strength almost like steel
  • Smaller cranes needed
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Material documentation

We know our concrete - and we constantly test and develop our material in order to optimize our application.  

We are specialized in UHPC and our concrete is the oldest and best-documented UHPC. By using Hi-Con elements we assure you that the material is well-tested and documented for its applicationn. 

In our downloads you can find a selection of our material documentation. 

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